Saturday, July 28, 2012

deeds not words !!!

after regular pokes from friends made me pull up my socks again... to restart the best thought was

AamirKhan's Satyameva Jayate...

anyone can criticize and condemn and most of us do... but the question remains how many of us take the initiative to bring out a change, on one side,  one person is trying hard to wake up people from their unconscious state of living, the conscience has definitely gone behind the standard of living, fake social status and busy schedules chasing money. The other side witness incidents like Guwahati     , Noida and Haryana ones. 

What are we doing? Watching TV every Sunday, eleven o'clock... some of us touched, some of us praising AK, and most of us criticizing something or the other... and then letting things happen the way they have always happened.

I don't know how much impact it created but at least the likes on the show demonstrated that such things are appreciated....
Then why do people let the things happen when they know they are equally empowered with the ability to reason out right/ wrong or manipulated and raise their voices for and against... i guess this is the time when youth of the nation should bring in the positive changes by supporting a good effort rather than getting involved into the unnecessary dissection of the cause and the political approach which end in nothing but a mess....

while reading through the fb posts from many friends about the ignorance of Amir about the figures and facts, 
i just kept wondering... why don't people come forward and support the actual cause rather than sharing the dissections, sharing of the actual cause will lead to make the world better again...

Thanks for the efforts Amir... awaiting the next season soon... All the Best!!!!!!

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