Saturday, July 28, 2012

from my diaries- book reviews

deeds not words !!!

after regular pokes from friends made me pull up my socks again... to restart the best thought was

AamirKhan's Satyameva Jayate...

anyone can criticize and condemn and most of us do... but the question remains how many of us take the initiative to bring out a change, on one side,  one person is trying hard to wake up people from their unconscious state of living, the conscience has definitely gone behind the standard of living, fake social status and busy schedules chasing money. The other side witness incidents like Guwahati     , Noida and Haryana ones. 

What are we doing? Watching TV every Sunday, eleven o'clock... some of us touched, some of us praising AK, and most of us criticizing something or the other... and then letting things happen the way they have always happened.

I don't know how much impact it created but at least the likes on the show demonstrated that such things are appreciated....
Then why do people let the things happen when they know they are equally empowered with the ability to reason out right/ wrong or manipulated and raise their voices for and against... i guess this is the time when youth of the nation should bring in the positive changes by supporting a good effort rather than getting involved into the unnecessary dissection of the cause and the political approach which end in nothing but a mess....

while reading through the fb posts from many friends about the ignorance of Amir about the figures and facts, 
i just kept wondering... why don't people come forward and support the actual cause rather than sharing the dissections, sharing of the actual cause will lead to make the world better again...

Thanks for the efforts Amir... awaiting the next season soon... All the Best!!!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

the review by the most ardent... Abhilash

interview with IWG

Candid Quest with Arpita Ghosh Sarkar- A walk down the Lane!!!

1. First of all, tell us something about yourself... (Family, Background, Education, Location, etc.)
Well I am a homemaker, a mother of a four years old, MBA, from Jabalpur M.P.  I did my schooling from Christ Church Girls’. Worked with Citigroup, HSBC and have traveled to various places in central India.

2. When and how did you start writing?
It just happened... a story struck my mind and I put the same in words...

3. What inspired you to write a book?
Someone around me...

4. Tell us something about your book(s) A walk down the Lane- it’s a matured love story... a story that all young adults can relate to, it is written in a very simple language and Shuvika, the central character can be the girl next door...

5. How do you feel after getting published?
It feels great... I never thought I could pen down around 32000 words so... I m happy.

6. Do you have a specific writing style?
That’s a big question.... yes I have a simple writing style...

7. How did you come up with the title, tagline, cover design etc?
Title was on my mind right from the start... tagline was suggested by my publishers... and I did the cover design myself...

8. Which part of your book was the most difficult to pen down?
When Shuvika leaves the resort... I was not sure about the end at all

9. Any other challenge that you faced while you wrote?
Yes... at times I was carried away emotionally... I did not know how to go about the proceedings... because things were emotional.

10. Does the story relates to you or somebody you know?
Yes... it’s a close friend...

11. Which are your favorite books and writers?
There’s a long list... classics like Gone with the wind, the Notebook are some of them... and amongst writers I am a Shivani fan... in Hindi... and for English I prefer contemporary writers...

12. Which writer do you think influenced you the most?
No one in particular...

13. Do you see writing as a fulltime career?
I am not very sure of that... but for me it is a full time dedication...

14. Learning/experience while writing your book that you would like to share...
Yes... I got to learn a lot... the person... first person narration is easier...

15. Your advice for aspiring and emerging writers?
Just write... whatever you feel the world should know...

16. Any message for your readers.
Communicate... that’s the best way to express yourself...
17. Your  forthcoming book(s)
I am working on two... and they are both love stories...

18. You can be reached at...?

arpita ghosh sarkar

Ex-banker Arpita Ghosh Sarkar is an aspiring author from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.  She had previously worked with Citigroup and HSBC Bank. She had subsequently lived in Bhilai, Indore, Nagpur and Raipur. Currently she is enjoying her motherhood to a toddler and homemaking. A voracious reader Arpita likes to pen down from her school days. ‘A walk down the Lane’ is her debut novel.
We at Spectralhues got in touch with the author Arpita Ghosh Sarkar. In a candid interview with Susmita Bose, she talks about her journey, her book and her future plans.
Congratulations on the release of your first book “A Walk Down The Lane”. What kind of response you are receiving from the readers?
Thanks Susmita and Spectralhues. The response by far has been encouraging, my friends have read the book and have liked it, receiving responses from the strangers in my mailbox is the real achievement for me, its wonderful when you get appreciation for your debut.
What makes you to write this particular story?
Well, there was not anything specific relating to this story, but a little bit of scribbling habit and a sudden idea of compiling the things from surroundings made it happen, I have been into reading since childhood, and still love doing so, so just tried to pen down an incident that I witnessed in form of a book.
It is a matured love story where protagonists are much older than the typical love story characters –what was the motivation?
I personally believe in Love, and love just happens, it is not age bound. A love story is not only the one that is narrated by the teen ager, or an early twenty fellow, it can be well narrated by a young adult who has experienced it as well. So I experimented with the storyline.
Did you have a target readership in mind?
Yes. My target readers are the young adults, anyone who has an interest in reading. I think the readers between the age-group of 16- 40 years would be able to relate themselves with the story when they read it.
Is this book a pure fiction or a shadow of real life incidents?
This is a work of Fiction, though it is based on an incident as I told you,  the characters are all fictitious. the real life incident that forms the base is, there is a living couple in my circles who fell in love after facing a lot of turmoils in their love life, and they met at an event that changed their life for good.
What is your idea of perfect love?
A lot of Understanding, trust and respect. You understand that only when you experience it…
How much ‘Shuvika’ resembles you?
Quite a lot, while writing this story her character made me think a lot, then finally I decided to put myself in her shoes, and think how would have I been, had I been Shuvika. the things that we share in common are, love for nature, friendly behaviour and most importantly we love our families. But ultimately the truth is that Shuvika is an imaginary character, a fictitious being.
You have been to lot of places. How much travelling has inspired your writings?
I always loved being close to nature, so the story has covered a lot of the parts of the jungles of central India, though a few things are nowhere near to the reality like the audi, the resort, but there are such events carried out on much smaller scales, and  if they actually happen, there’ll be lots of Neel and Shuvika attending the same.
What kind of support you are getting?
Its too early to comment, but my friends and family have been encouraging for sure, Srishti took up my debut work that has been really great on their part, I have been hearing from a lot of people that I have not done much about the promotions, well much till lately I have not been active on social networking sites. But I respect the feedbacks that i have received and surely would take a note on it.
Career, Homemaking, Writing, Motherhood – what else do you want to explore in your life journey?
All of these are part and parcel, I have taken life as it came to me and have enjoyed every bit of it, writing for sure was not at all planned, but it happened, and I hope life will keep fetching a lot of new things for me, and I will definitely keep on accepting everything. I just wish to be a good human being.
How do you manage to find time for writing when you have a toddler around?
It is a little difficult, but my son is a darling, I utilize the time when he is busy playing or sleeping, moreover I strongly feel that one should take out time for doing what they like.
Which are the books that close to your heart?
Well, almost all by Nicholas Sparks, and in Hindi my favourite author is Shivaniji( Gaura Pant).
Tell us something about your future plans?
Future is never planned. My friends have been my greatest assets, and I will love to see them growing manifold.
Any message to the readers who would buy your book…
First of all thanks for picking it up… and yes please do share your comments about the same, I would certainly like to learn what I need to improve at. I can be reached on facebook, twitter and gmail.
That was Arpita Ghosh Sarkar!  In a candid chat the talented author tells us her story. She is happy over the response her debut novel “A walk down the Lane” is receiving from the book readers across India. Spectralhues is wishing her all the very best for her future endeavors.